Minggu, 20 April 2008

CMD Windows like shell Linux


I use windows. I know and like linux but not as a desktop operating system.
I often find myself typing “ls” or “cat” inside the windows shell, which obviously returns an error.

I started to P.I.M.P. my windows shell (cmd.exe)

  1. I downloaded unxutils from sourceforge unpacked the archive,
    went to usr\local\wbin copied every file that is there and pasted them in c:\windows\system32\ without replacing the windows utilities (there are 3 files that i don’t recommend overwriting)
    Now i have ls, cat, tee, grep …
  2. Downloaded netcat for windows copied all the files in c:\windows\system32\
    Now i have nc - a very good telnet client, and can also be used as a server :)
  3. I got pstools from sysinternals put the executables in c:\windows\system32\
  4. Plus nmap for windows put it in the same windows path.
    A must use tool…
  5. I also like hping2, for those who don’t know it, it’s a packet crafter.

Now you can use your windows command line. Until now it was pretty much useless.

Now you can
nmap -A -O -vv websecurity.ro | tee websecurity_report.txt | grep open

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