Senin, 01 November 2010

Setting SAMBA SERVER on Opensolaris/SUN machine

How to Configure Samba From the Command Line

1. Open a Terminal and assume the root role.
2. Copy the example file to the smb.conf file and open it with an editor.

# cd /etc/sfw # cp smb.conf-example smb.conf # vi smb.conf 

3. To make the setting active, remove any settings that begin with ";", as these are disabled. The template includes full comments for each setting.
4. Modify are the following settings:

  • [global]
    • workgroup = Change to your WORKGROUP.
  • [homes]
    • path = Add your path to your home directories ( /export/home/%u ).
    • browsable = Change to yes to allow the home share to be seen by the browser service.

5. Use the smbpasswd command to add your username.

# smbpasswd -a  New SMB password: Re-Type New SMB Password: Added user  

You are ready to start Samba.

How To Start Samba

1. Enable the samba and wins services.

# svcadm enable samba # svcadm enable wins 

2. Check that the daemons are online:
For example:

# svcs -a| grep wins online         16:06:20 svc:/network/wins:default # svcs -a | grep samba online         16:06:20 svc:/network/samba:default 

You should now be able to access your home directory and your printers from your Windows client.

If you've set browsable = yes in your smb.conf file, you should see the shares in Network Neighborhood.

Alternatively, you could map your home directory to always mount at login.

note: wiki SUN


Seeting Win Vista & Win 7 for SAMBA sharing on Opensolaris/SUN OS

Special Notice for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID 954387
For certain versions of Vista and Windows 7, Microsoft changed the default security profile for NTLM authentication, this in effect breaks Samba.

To fix this problem, follow these steps:

1. Select Start > Run and type secpol.msc.
2. Navigate to Local Policies > Security Options
3. Right Click "Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level" and select Properties.
4. Select "Local Security Settings".
5. Change the Policy to "Send LM & NTLM - user NTLMV2 session security if negotiated".
6. Click OK and quite the Security Policy Editor.
7. Log out and then back in or reboot your system.

You should now be able to access your Samba shares and printers.

hope this note can help you.

note: wiki SUN Oracle